Christmas Biscornu
Stitch Count: 62w by 62h each (Top and Bottom)
This chart uses full cross stitches and backstitching
Charted in Dinky Dyes Silks with DMC Conversions included
This pattern is a PDF digital download
Colour and Black & White charts included
Finishing instructions included on the chart
Stitch Count: 62w by 62h each (Top and Bottom)
This chart uses full cross stitches and backstitching
Charted in Dinky Dyes Silks with DMC Conversions included
This pattern is a PDF digital download
Colour and Black & White charts included
Finishing instructions included on the chart
Stitch Count: 62w by 62h each (Top and Bottom)
This chart uses full cross stitches and backstitching
Charted in Dinky Dyes Silks with DMC Conversions included
This pattern is a PDF digital download
Colour and Black & White charts included
Finishing instructions included on the chart